CCTV : shopkeeper snatches gun out of thief's hand

fearless shopkeeper snatches gun out of raider's hand before chasing him out of the store

This dramatic CCTV footage captures the moment a shop worker fearlessly disarms a man pointing a gun in his face as he attempts to rob the store.

Hunar Mohammed, 37, was working behind the counter at the shop in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire on Saturday night when a man came in and asked for cigarettes and alcohol.

As the father placed the items in a bag and worked out how much was owed, the armed man withdrew a gun and demanded the money from the till.
Displaying astonishing calm in the face of danger, Mr Mohammed snatched the weapon, which turned out to be a replica firearm, from the raider's grasp in the blink of an eye and chased him off the premises.

The shopkeeper, who is from Sulaymaniyah in Kurdistan, said he was not frightened during the episode as most people in his country carry guns for security.

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